We’re Number 15 thanks to you!

McSweeney & Ricci has been ranked number fifteen on the Boston Business Journal’s List of the Largest Insurance Agencies in Massachusetts for 2012. The list is ranked by 2011 Massachusetts property and casualty and health care premium-dollar volume.

We are proud of this ranking and want to thank our clients for their loyalty. It is always our goal to provide clients with comprehensive insurance coverage at a competitive price and the outstanding service they deserve.

We will continue to grow while maintaining our local commitment and dedication to providing personalized insurance services. We’re the agency that’s small enough to know your name and large enough to make a difference.

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McSweeney & Ricci Annual Summer Outing Office Hours


Pleased by advised that both McSweeney & Ricci offices will close at noon on Thursday, June 29th to allow our staff to enjoy our annual summer outing. In case of emergency, please call our main phone number at (781) 848-8600 or (844) 501-1359 and our answering service will contact us to assist you. We will re-open for normal business hours […]

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